Album Spotlight: MK Ultra – ‘Documentation’

Jake Craney
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There are a lot of ways to convey intensity in a song. The easiest way would be to create a loud, heavy, urgent sounding track. MK Ultra (Travis Szendrei) creates plenty of intensity on his debut album Documentation, but he takes a different path to get there. Documentation is full of brooding, electro-tinged tracks that create a ‘mood,’ rather than forcing intensity through noise and tempo.


Much like when a heavy rock band switches gears on an album for a deliberately slower tempo and the resulting song becomes a fan-favorite, MK Ultra’s entire album exists in that vein. Documentation is deliberate in its pace and tempo, enhancing the ‘mood’ of the album and highlighting the lyrics. Any time a musician describes an album as having “basically saved my life,” you know it’s going to be impactful and lyrically cathartic. Powerful lyrics and themes are particularly on display on standout tracks “Let’s Go,” “Killing Angels,” and “Here Comes The Flood.”

The album was released in late 2013 and in case it slipped past your radar, visit MK Ultra’s website: to get the album, check out tour dates, and more. It’s difficult to list contemporaries that are creating similar music. There’s a little Nine Inch Nails sound prevalent in the album, along with a great mix of alternative, pop, electronic, ambient, and atmospheric elements at work on Documentation. The album is highly recommended for anyone interested in delving into a world of raw emotion and intensity created, narrated, and performed by MK Ultra.


Track List:

1. Welcome To The Pharmacy

2. Preparation

3. Dive

4. Let’s Go

5. Killing Angels

6. On Lockdown

7. Here Comes The Flood

8. Welcome To The Hospital

9. Let’s Go (Radio Version)

10. Killing Angels (Alternate Version)


MK Ultra – “Let’s Go”