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‘Baby Don’t Cry’ Beautiful New Music and Advice from Lucinda Belle


They say after a breakup men move on and women mourn. Well if this is what mourning sounds like, the music world needs more of it.

cleardot.gif“Baby Don’t Cry,” gives Lucinda Belle yet another chance to show off her jazzy chops, something not all classical harpists can do very easily. 

But Belle has managed to incorporate her classical training into her love for the jazzy pop genre and the result is pure pleasure. 

The emotive track starts out with a very slow pace establishing the background of a relationship gone bad.

But then as if springing back into rebound the song takes a jagged turn and pours on the upbeat blues beat. It’s a real finger snapper of a tune sure to bring the listener out of the doldrums.

Belle: ‘Cut Your Losses’ and Enjoy Life

The backing vocals are different in that it’s refreshing to have strong male backing vocals to a female front woman. Perhaps the production represents and echoes the relationship that the song is based on. Her advice is good: Cut your losses. 

And maybe her advice comes because of first hand experience.

For Belle, there have been challenges along the way. But hope, curiousity, motivation and inspiration have been the driving force for Belle, who has achieved awards and accolades for her music.

Check out the inspiring Lucinda Belle at a Ted Talk, where she performs “Find the Hero in You” here: