Growing up with a deep reverence for guitar masters like Jimmie Page, Duane Allman, Pete Townsend, artist Mark Vickness was set down a path of lifelong musical exploration from the start. That journey has seen Vickness perform and embrace a litany of styles from free improvisation to West African drum and dance ensembles, from Motown and funk bands to big band jazz and orchestral conducting.

Ultimately, or at least most recently, this has led Vickness towards lending his virtuoso talents to works in the style of solo modern fingerstyle guitar. Today, GroundSounds is happy to be bringing you the exclusive premiere of his latest piece, “PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND.”

Not unlike its namesake at the Gulf of Alaska, the composition is a beautiful blend of natural textures as Vickness winds his guitar and stirs your soul.

Watch Mark Vickness in “PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND” below and be sure to catch him live at Freight & Salvage in Berkley, CA on April 10th (tickets).